presented by the Open Space Performunion.
An exceptional workshop opportunity including a public performance with one of the most inspirational and experienced teachers we know.
Mushimaru Fujieda, internationally acclaimed performance artist and dancer and certainly one of the greatest living masters of Butoh today offers in this invigorating three day workshop, which he calls „A lecture on Natural Physical Poetry, movement according to one’s own breathing rhythm“ opens your channels of creativity and gives wings to your potential in movement inprovisation. His work crosses over the traditional borders of Butoh allowing you to interpret in your own form. The workshop is open to dancers and performance artists of all levels and ages.
The workshop in accompanied by the music of the acclaimed Japanese musician Aya Ogawa.
80 €, 3 days @ 5 hours a day May 9th 11-16 May 10th 11-16 May 11th 11-16 including presentation
venue: Trauma Bar und Kino Heidestraße 50, 10557 Berlin
registration: Philip Kevin Brehse (fb),